Julie Nolz • School Counselor • 410 East 10th Avenue • Milbank, SD  57252 • Telephone 605-432-6615 Julie.Nolz@k12.sd.us


No-Bully Program at Koch School

It’s the beginning of a new school year and we know you want the best for your children.  We know that you want the school to be safe and free of violence.  That’s why we at Koch School are continuing the No-Bully Program to deal with bully behaviors in our school.  We want to make our school a violence-free and bully-free zone.

As part of the No-Bully Program, your child will be involved in a series of lessons designed to help him or her:

      ·        Define and understand bullying
Better understand the effects of bullying
Develop empathy for the victims of bullying
Learn when and how to report bullying
Discover the school’s consequences for engaging in bullying behavior

As a school, we have developed a new policy regarding bullying.  Under that policy, bullying will not be tolerated, adults will intervene to stop it and apply swift and consistent consequences to those who engage in bullying behaviors.

The overall aim of the No-Bully Program is not to punish students who engage in bullying.  Rather, its primary objective is to shift the balance of power away from those who bully by empowering other students and adults in the school to confront them with their unacceptable behaviors.

Since the No-Bully Program takes a system-wide approach to ending bullying in school, it not only involves the students and school personnel, it involves you, the parents, family and community.  Your support of this program will greatly contribute to our efforts in making Koch School safer and more nurturing for all our students.

Please contact Linda Foos or Julie Nolz at Koch School if you have any questions or concerns about the No-Bully Program or would like to review the curriculum.